• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: Makes 12 glasses

Mango Delight !!!

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Desserts, Healthy Recipes, Kids, Fruit

 Ingredients List

  • ~~~~~~~~ For the bottom layer - panna cotta ~~~~~~~~
  • 150 gm whipping cream 35%
  • 50 gm milk
  • 33 gm granulated sugar
  • ¼ vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped
  • 1¼ gm leaf gelatine
  • 5 gm amaretto
  • ~~~~~~~~ For the middle layer - fresh mango cubes ~~~~~~~~
  • 1 mango flesh, diced
  • 100 gm mango puree, homemade or use ready-to-use puree
  • 1 gm leaf gelatine
  • 25 gm granulated sugar
  • ~~~~~~~~ For the mango puree ~~~~~~~~
  • 5 medium, very ripe mangoes
  • ~~~~~~~~ For the top layer - mango mousse ~~~~~~~~
  • 150 gm mango puree
  • 12 gm granulated sugar
  • 3½ gm leaf gelatine
  • 120 gm whipped cream 35%
  • ~~~~~~~~ For the chocolate twist ~~~~~~~~
  • some dark chocolate, chopped
  • ~~~~~~~~ For the decoration ~~~~~~~~
  • Chocolate twist
  • 12 sprig mint


1. Make the Panna Cotta ”“ bottom layer: soak the leaves gelatine in a bowl of iced water until softened, then remove and gently squeeze out the excess water.

2. Pour the milk and cream into a small pan. Split the vanilla pod and scrape the seeds into the mixture. Chop the pod and drop into the cream. Stir in the sugar. Heat over a low heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar.

3. Remove from the heat. Add the pre-softened gelatine. Stir until gelatine completely melted.

4. Strain. Discard the pieces of vanilla pod. Allow to cool to 35 degrees Celsius, pour in the Amaretto. Stir well.

5. Hold the glasses at an angle with the egg rack then pour the mixture into 12 glasses until one-third full. Allow to cool and then chill until set.

6. To make the Mango Puree, peel mangoes, cut fruit from pits and puree in blender or food processor. You should have 4 cups of puree. Set aside.

7. To make the Mango Cubes ”“middle layer: Peel, de-seed and cut mango flesh into small cubes. Place 100gm mango puree in a pan. Add the sugar and heat gently, stirring until dissolved. Take off the heat.

8. Soak the leaves gelatine in a bowl of iced water until softened, then remove and gently squeeze out the excess water. Melt the pre-softened gelatine over a pan of hot water, or place the pre-softened gelatine in microwave and heat for 20 seconds till the gelatine has fully melted. Remove from microwave and stir well.

9. Stir in the gelatine and mango cubes. Toss well.

10. Spoon a layer of mango cubes on top of the panna cotta. Chill again.

11. To make the Mango Mousse ”“ top layer, soak the leaves gelatine in a bowl of iced water until softened, then remove and gently squeeze out the excess water. Melt the pre-softened gelatine over a pan of hot water, or place the pre-softened gelatine in microwave and heat for 20 seconds till the gelatine has fully melted. Remove from microwave and stir well.

12. Meanwhile, place 30gm mango puree in a small saucepan. Stir in the sugar. Heat over a low heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar.

13. Remove from the heat and add the melted gelatine, stir well.

14. Add the remaining 120gm mango puree. Mix well. Then stir in the whipped cream. Blend well. Spoon the light yellow mango mousse into a piping bag.

15. Pipe a layer of mousse on top of the mango cubes. Chill again.

16. To make the chocolate twist, place chopped chocolate in a mixing bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water, ensuring the water does not touch the bottom of the bowl. Stir constantly until chocolate melted. Spread a thin layer of tempered dark chocolate on a long plastic foil-strip. Allow to set a little.

17. Use a pastry comb to draw some straight lines, then twist plastic strip to the desired curve. Peel off when chocolate has set.

18. Just before serving, decorate with the chocolate twist and sprig mint.

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