• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 2 Servings

Asparagus Crepes with Mushroom Dill-Sauce

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Category: Main Dish, Vegetarian

 Ingredients List

  • -----------------------------------CREPES-----------------------------------
  • 1/2 c Whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1/4 ts Salt
  • 3/4 c Soymilk
  • 1 ts Safflower oil


1 tb Margarine
1 sm Onion, quartered & thinly
1 Garlic clove, minced
1 c Small white mushrooms, slice
1 tb + 1 ts flour
3/4 c Soymilk
2 tb Fresh minced dill
1/2 ts Dried tarragon
2 ts Lemon juice
Salt & pepper to taste

24 Slender asparagus stalks

CREPES: Combine flour & salt in mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre &
pour in the soymilk & oil. Beat till smooth. Heat a 6 or 7-inch skillet.
when hot, pour in 1/4 c of batter & tilt skillet till it's evenly coated.
Cook over moderate heat till lightly browned on the bottom. Flip & brown
the other side. Remove & set on a plate. Repeat with the rest of the
batter, you should have 6 crepes. SAUCE: Heat margarine in a small pot. Add
onion & garlic & saute over moderate heat till onion is golden. Add
mushrooms & cover. Cook till the mushrooms are limp & juicy. Sprinkle in
the flour & stir till it disappears. Slowly pour in the soymilk, stirring.
Bring to a simmer, then stir in the dill & tarragon. Cook at a simmer till
the sauce thickens. Stir in the lemon juice & season to taste. Remove from
heat & cover. FILLING: Trim about 1/2-inch of the asparagus stalks & scrape
off any tough looking skin. Cut stalks in half & steam till tender crisp.
ASSEMBLE: Place 6 asparagus stalks in the centre of each crepe, letting
the tips protrude from the top & overlapping the halved stalks in the
centre if necessary. Spoon a very small amount of sauce over the
asparagus. fold one end of the crepe in towards the centre & overlap the
other end over it. Arrange the crepes, folded side down, in an oiled,
shallow baking dish. Spoon remaining sauce evenly over the crepes. Bake in
a preheated 350F oven until just heated through. Serve at once.
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