• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 4 Servings

Beef Pastrami

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Meat

 Ingredients List

  • 6 lb Beef brisket
  • 1/2 c Salt
  • 1 ts Saltpeter
  • 4 tb Black pepper; freshly ground
  • 2 tb Brown sugar; firmly packed
  • 3 tb Mixed whole pickling spice
  • 3 ts Ginger; ground


Mix the Salt, Saltpeter, spices and Sugar together and then rub into the
Beef forcing it into the meat. Set into a pan, cover closely, and put into
the refrigerator or a very cool place. Turn every few days for 3 weeks,
then smoke over a barbecue pit or in a smokehouse over very low heat for
4 hours. It will keep well for some time in a cool place. To prepare,
cover with cold Water and cook until tender.
The length of cooking time depends on how long it was smoked. Barb Day

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