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  • Serves: 10 Servings

Biscuit De Reims

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Desserts

 Ingredients List

  • ----------------------------LISA CRAWLEY TSPN00B----------------------------
  • 1 Birthday Cake


Take 9 eggs, weigh them and take same weight in sugar. Take 6 eggs, weigh
them and take same weight in flour. Take 3 eggs, weigh them and take same
weight in butter.

Beat the whites of 9 eggs till stiff. Fold in sugar. Then add the 9 egg
yolks, well-beaten. Pour in flour gradually. Put in melted butter. Start
baking in a slow oven - increase to moderate. It takes at least 1 hr. to
bake. A delicious cake! SOURCE: Ellis Island Cookbook. Contributed by
Violet Dolson whose grandfather brought the recipe w/ him when entering
Ellis Island in 1907 from Belgium.

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