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Candy Bark Recipe

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Category: Chocolate

 Ingredients List

  • -Chocolate chips for melting (we actually used m&ms, first chop them up in a good processor before melting)
  • -Two bags of colored candy melts
  • -One bag of thin pretzels


Line a square baking pan with wax paper. Start by melting the chocolate until smooth. Pour an even layer of chocolate into the pan. While the chocolate is still melted, cover the chocolate with a single layer of pretzels. Next, melt the chocolate candy melts in the microwave until smooth. Pour the colored chocolate over the pretzel layer and flatten out until smooth even. Place the pan in the freezer for about 15 minutes, or until the layers are hardened. Once the chocolate is hard break into small pieces.
The irony in making this bark is that we”™re both vegan so we couldn”™t really try it :O. But of course our moms aren”™t vegan. If you guys need to make a vegan version, just replace the two layers of chocolate with dark chocolate, and make sure there”™s no milk in it.

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