• Prep Time:
  • Cooking Time:
  • Serves: 8 Servings

Chicken Pasties

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Beef, Pies

 Ingredients List

  • ----------------------------------FILLING----------------------------------
  • 1 lb Chicken boneless; cubed
  • 3 md Potato; chopped
  • 1 md Onion; chopped
  • 2 md Carrot; chopped
  • 1/4 c ;Water
  • 3/4 ts Salt
  • 1/4 ts Pepper, black
  • Pastry
  • 1 Egg; beaten
  • 1 ts ;Water


3 c Flour
1 1/2 ts Salt
1 c Shortening
1/2 c ;Water, cold, plus 2 ts

Combine chicken, potatoes, onion, carrots, 1/4 cup water, salt, and pepper.
Divide pastry into eight equal portions; roll out each portion into a
6-1/2" circle. Spoon 1/2 cup meat mixture on the center of each circle.
Beat together egg and water; brush edges of circles with beaten egg, making
a 3/4" border. Gently lift sides of circle to meet top. Using fingers,
firmly press edges together; flute edges. Combine 3 cups flour and salt in
a bowl; cut in shortening with pastry blender until mixture resembles
coarse meal. Sprinkle cold water (1 T. at a time) evenly over surface;
stir with a fork until all dry ingredients are moistened.

Place pies on ungreased baking sheets; bake at 350 F. for 1 hour or until
lightly browned.

adapted from:
Ethel Evans
St. Petersburg, FL
Southern Living magazine

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