• Prep Time:
  • Cooking Time:
  • Serves: 36 Servings

Chocolate Spritz Cookies

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Chocolate, Cookies

 Ingredients List

  • 1 1/2 Sticks margarine --
  • Softened
  • 2/3 c Sugar
  • 1 Egg white -- whipped
  • 2 Squares unsweetened
  • Chocolate -- melted
  • 1 ts Vanilla
  • 1/4 ts Salt


Preheat oven at 350. Prepare a cookie sheet with cooking spray. In a
mixing bowl, beat margarine, sugar, egg white, chocolate, and vanilla until
well blended. Beat in flour andsalt until dough is smooth, scraping down
side of bowl frequently with rubber spatula. Spoon dough into cookie press
fitted with template of desired shape. Press cookies 2 " apart onto
prepared cookie sheets. Bake 10 to 12 minutes, or until firm. NOTES
: When baking on metal , especially at high temperatures, cookies have a
tendency to brown on the bottoms before centers are done. By stacking two
baking sheets together you put an extra layer of metal under them as well
as a thin cushion of air. The effect is to slow the heat and allow more
even baking. Recipe By
: 365 Great Cookies You Can Make

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