• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 1 Servings

Cinnamon Ornaments

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Holiday

 Ingredients List

  • 1 c Applesauce
  • 4 oz Ground Cinnamon
  • 1 oz Ground Cloves
  • 1 oz Ground Ginger
  • 1 oz Ground Nutmeg


Combine everything and blend with your hands until dough is smooth. Add
more applesauce if necessary. Divide dough into quarters.

Sprinkle counter with cinnamon and roll out portion of dough to 1/4" thick.
Cut with cookie cutters and transfer to cookie sheet. Pierce with skewer or
small screwdriver to form a hole for hanging.

Turn the ornaments every 12 hours and examine until they are dry. This will
take 3 to 5 days.

NOTES : Roll out dough on aluminum foil and move the foil onto the cookie
sheet, It will help the ornaments keep their shape. The less they are
transferred - the better their quality. You can also alter the amounts as
long as you use about 7 ounces of ground spices to one cup applesauce.

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