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Coca Cola Pork Chops

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Category: Dinner Party, Healthy Recipes, Main Dish, Pork

 Ingredients List

  • 4 pack of boneless or bone-in pork chops
  • 1 tbs. oil
  • 1 cup Coca Cola
  • 1 cups of Ketchup
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


1. Using a skillet (or your stove) brown both sides of pork chops in oil, salt and Pepper them to taste
2. Mix together coca cola and ketchup.
3. Pour your mixture into the skillet and cover your chops.
4. Cook them in your skillet covered with the lid over medium for about 10 minutes or until fully cooked (will depend on thickness.)
5. If sauce is too thin, remove chops and set aside, then reduce sauce to desired thickness.
6. Serve sauce over pork chops

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