• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 6 Servings

Cold Noodles with Pineapple

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Thai, Side Dishes, Vegetarian

 Ingredients List

  • 10 oz Somen or hiyamugi noodles
  • 1/2 Fresh pineapple, chopped


4 tb Soy sauce
1 c Coconut cream, boiled &
Juice of 1 lime
2 tb Sugar
2 tb Garlic oil, see note

3 Green onions, chopped
2 ts Red pepper flakes
2 tb Cilantro leaves, chopped
2 tb Ginger, chopped

Boil the noodles for 2 or 3 minutes in water until *al dente*. Plunge into
cold water & then drain. Spread noodles on a large platter & sprinkle with
the chopped pineapple. Mix the SAUCE ingredients & pour over the noodles.
Sprinkle with the green onion, red pepper flakes, cilantro & ginger. Serve
NOTE: Substitute pineapple tidbits for fresh if you want. You wil need a
large can. Garlic oil can be made by frying chopped garlic in oil until
golden. Use, as a guideline, 1 part garlic to 4 parts oil. Do not strain
the garlic.

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