• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 4 Servings

Creme Renversce Au Caramel

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Desserts

 Ingredients List

  • 2 c Sugar
  • 1/2 c Water
  • 4 c Milk
  • 2 tb Vanilla extract
  • 4 Whole eggs
  • 8 Egg yolks


Preheat oven to 350 F. Boil 1 cup sugar & the water in a nonstick pan or
small skillet until caramel is slightly browned. Pour into an 8-cup mold &
quickly turn mold about so that entire inside is filmed with caramel. Set
aside. In a separate saucepan bring milk & vanilla to boiling point. Beat
whole eggs, egg yolks & remaining sugar together. Gradually add milk
mixture & stir until well blended. Pour custard into mold. Bake in
preheated oven about 40 minutes until set. Remove from oven & allow to cool
in mold. Carefully unmold onto a serving dish by first pressing fingers
firmly against the outside rim of the mold & then on the bottom & around
the sides. Press serving dish directly over the mold & invert both. The
custard should slide out onto the dish.




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