Side Pannel
Don's Most Wickid Ale
Ingredients List
- 6 lb Pale ale malt
- 3/4 lb Crystal malt
- 1/4 lb Black patent malt
- 1 lb Corn sugar
- 1 c Blackstrap molasses (strong
- Stuff
- Don't mess with any wimpy
- Brer Rabbit stuf
- 10 AAU
- Boil
- 6 AAU
- Wyeast 1028 London Ale
- Yeast
- 1/2 c Corn sugar to prime
- Northern Brewer, 60 min.
- Cascade, steep
Mash grains in 10 quarts water at 150 degrees for 90 min. Mash pH 5.5.
Mash-out 5 min. @ 168 degrees. Sparge with 5 gallons water @ 168
degrees. Disolved sugar and molases into runnings. Boil 90 minutes. Add
Northern Brewer hops 30 minutes into boil. Turn off heat and add
Cascades. Cool. Let sit over night. Rack off trub and pitch yeast. Temp at
pitching: 62 degrees. After five days in primary, rack to secondary. Let
sit for ten days then rack into bottling bucket with disolved prim- ing
sugar and bottled. Tasted quite smoky and bitter at bottling. Kind of like
a Porter rather than the brown ale I had in mind. Four weeks later...WOW!
Both the smokyness and bitterness had mellowed. The beer was very dark,
very malty with a complex flavor from the molases and black patent malt.
The malt was balanced perfectly by the hops. My best beer yet. Had a thick,
rich, smooth and long lasting head. I'm not aware of any commercial brew
with which this beer can be compared. It sits between the brown ales
available and something like an imperial stout or Mackeson XXX. Finally,
don't Knock the use of a pound of sugar. It comes to only about 1/7 of
fermentables, sugar is standard in British brewing and most importantly IT
WORKED! Original Gravity: 1.052 Final Gravity: 1.010 Primary Ferment: 5
days at 6065 degrees Secondary Ferment: 10 days at 6065 degrees
Mash-out 5 min. @ 168 degrees. Sparge with 5 gallons water @ 168
degrees. Disolved sugar and molases into runnings. Boil 90 minutes. Add
Northern Brewer hops 30 minutes into boil. Turn off heat and add
Cascades. Cool. Let sit over night. Rack off trub and pitch yeast. Temp at
pitching: 62 degrees. After five days in primary, rack to secondary. Let
sit for ten days then rack into bottling bucket with disolved prim- ing
sugar and bottled. Tasted quite smoky and bitter at bottling. Kind of like
a Porter rather than the brown ale I had in mind. Four weeks later...WOW!
Both the smokyness and bitterness had mellowed. The beer was very dark,
very malty with a complex flavor from the molases and black patent malt.
The malt was balanced perfectly by the hops. My best beer yet. Had a thick,
rich, smooth and long lasting head. I'm not aware of any commercial brew
with which this beer can be compared. It sits between the brown ales
available and something like an imperial stout or Mackeson XXX. Finally,
don't Knock the use of a pound of sugar. It comes to only about 1/7 of
fermentables, sugar is standard in British brewing and most importantly IT
WORKED! Original Gravity: 1.052 Final Gravity: 1.010 Primary Ferment: 5
days at 6065 degrees Secondary Ferment: 10 days at 6065 degrees