• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 4 Servings

Easy Cherry Cheese Dessert

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Desserts

 Ingredients List

  • -----------------------------------CRUST-----------------------------------
  • 1 c Butter
  • 2 c Flour
  • 1/2 c Pecans
  • 1/2 c Sugar


8 oz Cream Cheese; softened
2 c Powdered Sugar
1 Container; (Large) Cool Whip
6 tb Milk
1 ts Vanilla
2 cn Cherry Pie Filling

Soften butter (do not melt). Mix flour, pecans and sugar together and add
butter. Mix until crumbly. Press mixture into a 9"x13" pan. Bake at 350
degrees until light golden brown, approximately 12 to 15 minutes. Cool in
pan. Add filling after crust is completely cooled, 20 to 25 minutes.

FILLING: Cream together cream cheese, sugar, milk and vanilla. Fold Cool
Whip into cheese mixture. Spread mixture over cooled crust ann top off with
cherry filling. Refrigerate unused portions. This makes 1 (9"x13") or 2
(8") round pans.

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