• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 8 Servings

Egg Rolls with Chicken and Mushrooms

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Appetizers, Chinese

 Ingredients List

  • ----------------------------------FILLING----------------------------------
  • Peanut oil for stir frying
  • 1 tb Ginger shred fine
  • 1/2 c Chinese mushrooms shred
  • 1 c Bamboo shoots shred
  • 1 c Bean sprouts chop coarse
  • 1/4 c Green onions shred
  • 1 lb Chicken breast; cooked shred
  • 1 tb Soy sauce
  • 1 tb Chinese cooking wine
  • 1 tb Corn starch


1 pk Egg roll wrappers
1 Egg
Peanut oil for deep frying

1. Heat wok. Add peanut oil and ginger, stir fry for 1 minute until oil is
aromatic. 2. Add mushrooms, bamboo shoots, bean sprouts and green onions,
stir fry 2 minutes. 3. Add chicken, stir fry 1 minute. 4. Mix soy sauce,
cooking wine and cornstarch, add and stir fry to thicken. 5. Remove filling
from heat and allow to cool. 6. Beat egg in small bowl. 7. Wrap small
handful of filling in egg roll wrapper, and use beaten egg to seal edges.
8. Egg rolls may be refrigerated or frozen at this point for later cooking.
9. Heat oil to 375F. Deep fry egg rolls for 2 minutes, remove, drain and
serve with plum sauce.

Notes: The chinese name for these is: Gai Yuk Moh Goo Ja Chun Guen Makes 16
egg rolls

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