• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 16 Servings

Fresh Fruit Salad with Celery-Honey Dressing

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Category: Fruit, Salads

 Ingredients List

  • 2 c Pineapple chunks, fresh
  • 2 c Cantaloupe balls, fresh
  • 1 c Grapes, green seedless
  • 2 c Strawberries, fresh
  • 1 c Blackberries, fresh


1/2 c Sugar
1 ts Mustard, dry
1 ts Paprika
1/4 ts Salt
1/3 c Honey
1 tb Lemon juice
1/4 c Vinegar
1 c Oil, vegetable
1 ts Onion; grated
1 ts Celery seeds

Combine fruit in a large bowl, tossing gently but well. Refrigerate until
thoroughly chilled. Serve with Celery-Honey Dressing. Celery-Honey
Dressing: Combine first 7 ingredients in container of electric blender;
blend well. Slowly add oil, continiung to blend until thick; stir in onion
and celery seeds. Cover and store in refrigerator. Yield: about 1-3/4 cups.

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