• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 3 Servings

Fried Beancurd with Sweet Nut Sauce (Tao Hou

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Appetizers, Vegetables, Vegetarian, Thai

 Ingredients List

  • 16 oz Ready-fried beancurd
  • Oil; for deep-frying
  • 5 tb White vinegar
  • 4 tb Sugar
  • 1 ts Salt
  • 1/2 ts Chili powder
  • 2 tb Ground roast peanuts


Coriander leaves

Slice the beancurd cubes in half diagonally and deep-fry the eight
triangles until the the white side is golden brown. Drain and arrange on a
serving dish and set aside.

In a saucepan heat the vinegar, sugar and salt until the mixture thickens.
Remove from the heat and add the chili powder and ground peanuts, stirring
well until all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Turn into a serving
bowl, garnish with coriander leaves and serve with the beancurd.


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