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  • Serves: 1 Torte

Kona Coffee Torte

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Fruit, Beverages, Cakes

 Ingredients List

  • 1 1/2 tb Instant Coffee Powder
  • 1 c ;Cold Water
  • 6 lg Egg Yolks
  • 2 c Sugar
  • 2 c Unbleached Flour; Sifted
  • 3 ts Baking Powder
  • 1/4 ts Salt
  • 1 ts Vanilla Extract
  • 1 c Walnuts; Ground
  • 6 lg Egg Whites; Stiffly Beaten


1 c Butter
2 c Confectioners' Sugar; Sifted
2 ts Cocoa; (Not The Drink Mix)
1/2 ts Instant Coffee
2 tb ;Cold Water
2 tb Orange Juice

2 c Confectioners' Sugar; Sifted
2 ts Cocoa; (Not The Drink Mix)
1/2 ts Instant Coffee
2 tb ;Cold Water
3 tb Butter; Melted
1/2 ts Vanilla Extract

Dissolve the coffee in the water. Beat the egg yolks until light and
fluffy, then gradually add the sugar, beating until thick. Sift the dry
ingredients together and add to the creamed mixture alternately with the
coffee mixture, beating well after each addition. Add the vanilla and
ground walnurs and then fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites until no
white remains. Bake in 3 paper lined 9 X 1 1/2-inch rond pans in a slow
oven (325 degrees F.) about 30 minutes or until done. Cool until cold. Fill
the cooled cake with the Orange Filling; frost with the Mocha Frosting.
Garnish with whole walnut halves


Cream the butter until light and fluffy the ngradually add the
confectioners' sugar, creaming well. Beat in the cocoa, instant coffee,
cold water and orange juice, blending well.


Mix the confectioners' sugar, cocoa, and instant coffee, blending well. Add
the water, melted butter, and vanilla. Beat until it reaches a spreading

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