• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 4 Servings

Leek-Potato Salad

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Salads

 Ingredients List

  • 4 Leeks (a bunch)
  • 4 md Potatoes
  • 1 Red bell pepper


1 Lemon, juice
1/4 c White vinegar
1/4 c Olive oil
1 cl Garlic, minced
-or pressed
2 ts Chopped dill
Salt and pepper
-to taste

Wash leeks. Slice bulb and tender green parts into 1/2" pieces. Drop in
boiling water, cook them for about 5 min (no longer or they get mushy),
drain and set aside to cool. Boil the potatoes until tender but firm, and
set aside to cool. Peel and chop into 1 1/2" chunks. Slice the pepper into
thin strips about one inch long. Whisk together the vinaigrette items. Then
combine the leeks, potatoes and red pepper into a serving bowl. Pour on the
vinaigrette, toss, and chill well before serving.

*I usually add 4 tbsp of chopped dill....because I think it tastes
better.....I love dill! Walt MM

Posted to MM-Recipes Digest V3 #263

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