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  • Serves: 1 Servings

Lobster Newburg

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Fish

 Ingredients List

  • 3/4 lb Lobster meat
  • 1/2 c Sherry
  • 2 tb Butter
  • 2 tb Flour
  • 2 Hard cooked egg yolks
  • 1 1/2 c Cream
  • 1/4 c Milk
  • 1 pn Nutmeg
  • 1 pn Cayenne powder
  • -salt, pepper to taste


Cut cooked lobster meat into bite-sized chunks. Soak in sherry for 2 ~ 3
hours in refrigerator. Make a paste of softened butter, flour, and egg
yolks. In a heavy iron skillet, combine paste with cream, milk, nutmeg, and
cayenne. Over low heat, stir until quite thick. Drain sherry from lobster
meat and add sherry to sauce while continuing to stir until quite thick.
Add meat. Stir until heated through.

Serve on toast points. (This will keep 24 hours in refrigerator, and is
better the second day.)

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