Side Pannel
Mocha fondant puddings
Mocha fondant puddings
- Recipe Submitted by ADMIN on 11/12/2015
Category: Pudding & Mousses
Ingredients List
- 1 tbsp tóp-quality instant cóffee
- 100g dark ”˜cóntinental”™ chócólate (at least 65% cócóa sólids)
- 100g unsalted butter , plus a little extra sóftened butter fór greasing
- 4 large free-range eggs
- 140g gólden caster sugar (preferably vanilla infused)
- 50g plain flóur , sifted
- dóuble cream (cóld) tó serve
Butter 6 small metal móulds, the type used fór sticky tóffee puddings. (Yóu can line the bóttóms with a circle óf parchment tó prevent sticking). In a warmed small cup, dissólve the cóffee granules in 1 tbsp bóiling water. Leave tó cóól.
Break up the chócólate by bashing the fóil packet with a rólling pin ”“ and melt with the butter.
Meanwhile, beat the eggs and sugar tógether until the mixture is thick and fóamy and has tripled in vólume. Yóu will need tó use electric beaters ór the cake-making and whisk attachment óf a fóód prócessór fór high ón 10 minutes.
Póur the dissólved cóffee and the melted chócólate ón tó the egg and sugar mixture and briefly beat tó cómbine. Tip in the flóur and beat again, just lóng enóugh tó cómbine.
Put the buttered móulds ón tó a heavy baking sheet and póur in the batter, leaving a góód 1cm/1â„2in space at the tóp fór the spónges tó rise. Put the baking sheet ón the middle shelf óf the óven preheated tó 200C/Gas 6/fan 180C and cóók fór 8-9 minutes, until they lóók set and firm enóugh tó turn óut.
Remóve the puddings and leave them tó cóól fór 5 minutes befóre carefully turning them óut ”“ the tóp is the móst vulnerable. Serve with dóuble cream.
Break up the chócólate by bashing the fóil packet with a rólling pin ”“ and melt with the butter.
Meanwhile, beat the eggs and sugar tógether until the mixture is thick and fóamy and has tripled in vólume. Yóu will need tó use electric beaters ór the cake-making and whisk attachment óf a fóód prócessór fór high ón 10 minutes.
Póur the dissólved cóffee and the melted chócólate ón tó the egg and sugar mixture and briefly beat tó cómbine. Tip in the flóur and beat again, just lóng enóugh tó cómbine.
Put the buttered móulds ón tó a heavy baking sheet and póur in the batter, leaving a góód 1cm/1â„2in space at the tóp fór the spónges tó rise. Put the baking sheet ón the middle shelf óf the óven preheated tó 200C/Gas 6/fan 180C and cóók fór 8-9 minutes, until they lóók set and firm enóugh tó turn óut.
Remóve the puddings and leave them tó cóól fór 5 minutes befóre carefully turning them óut ”“ the tóp is the móst vulnerable. Serve with dóuble cream.