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  • Serves: 2 Servings

Mom's Filled Cookies

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Cookies, United States, Desserts

 Ingredients List

  • 1/2 c Butter or substitute
  • 1 c Sugar & cream
  • 1 Egg beaten well
  • 1/2 c Sweet milk
  • 2 ts Cream of tartar
  • 1 ts Soda
  • 3 1/4 c Flour
  • 1/4 ts Salt
  • 1 ts Vanilla
  • 1 c Chopped dates
  • 1/2 c Sugar
  • 1/2 c Water
  • 1 tb Flour


1/2 cup sweet milk & dissolve 2 teas of cream of tartar about 3 1/4 c.flour
,1 teas. of soda,1/4 teas salt & sift together. 1 teas vanilla . roll thin
Place cookie on cookie sheet then put 1 teas of filling on each and another
cookie over filling and press edge.(use enough flour only to make a soft
dough) 1 cup of chopped dates 1/2 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of water, 1 tblsp
of flour . cook over slow heat until thick.. Bake in 375 degree oven about
10 min. . I sometimes use 1/2 raisins and 1/2 dates.

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