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Need for Mead

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Category: Beverages

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  • Need for Mead


Mead a.k.a. Honey wine, hydromel or metheglin is one of the oldest
fermented beverages known to man. At its simplest, mead is merely honey
diluted with water and fermented. This recipe is from Amerine and Marsh,
both world recognized wine making experts. Two pounds of strained honey
will make a gallon of wine. Dilute each pound of honey with a half-gallon
of water and stir well to get a uniform dilution. Add 1/2 pound of coarsely
ground seedless rasins to furnish the yeast nutrients, lacking in honey,
required for satisfactory fermentation. Add 1/2 teaspoon of dry baker's
yeast and ferment under a fermentation trap at about 70 F degrees.
Fermentation will be slow, two to four weeks or longer. When active gas is
no longer produced, siphon the wine away from the sediment. Repeat this
racking as often as needed till the wine is clear with no sediment.
Assuming you start with two jugs with 1/2 gallon in each, these can be
combined into one jug when there is no more foaming, at the first racking.
Keep the fermentation lock on until there is absolutely no more gas
production then cap to protect the wine from air. Good luck!

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