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  • Serves: 10 Servings

Olive Garden Salad

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Salads, Vegetables

 Ingredients List



According to Gloria Pitzer, The Recipe Detective: Into blender put: 1- 1/2
cups bottle Italian dressing, 2 TB grated Parmesan, 2 TB sugar, 1 lg. raw
egg. Blend high speed 1/2 minute or till smooth. Lightly moisten mixed
greens of fresh spinach leaves, iceberg lettuce & romaine with dressing &
let stand 5 mins be- fore adding other salad ingredients. Serve with more
dressing if desired. (The fresh egg in the dressing is treated by the
vinegar in Italian dressing so that it has the same composition as when
making mayonnaise with fresh eggs.) Refrigerate tightly covered to use in 3
or 4 days. Do not freeze.

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