• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 1 Omelette

Omelette De Pineapple

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Breakfast, Eggs

 Ingredients List

  • 1 1/2 oz Butter; melted
  • 3 Eggs; beaten
  • 4 tb Pineapple, crushed; drained
  • 4 sl Bacon; cooked crisp, crumbld
  • 2 oz Cream cheese; cubed


Heat Teflom omelette pan at high temperature until slight vapor appears.
Pour in melted butter. When butter stops bubblying, add eggs and shake pan
rapidly in a circular motion. When omelette is set but still slightly soft
in center, slide onto heated plate and spoon pineapple in the center. Add
bacon and cream cheese and fold omelette in half.

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