• Prep Time:
  • Cooking Time:
  • Serves: 6 Servings


  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Breads

 Ingredients List

  • Basic Dough:
  • 2 c Flour
  • 2 sm Eggs ; or 1 large egg
  • Few spoonfuls lukewarm water
  • Fillings:
  • --Cheese:
  • 2 Egg yolks
  • 1 tb Butter
  • 1 lb Pot cheese; mashed
  • -- or farmer cheese
  • 1 ds Salt
  • 1 tb Sugar
  • 3/4 c Raisins ; optional
  • --Potato:
  • 2 lb Potatoes
  • 1/2 Onion; minced
  • 1 tb Butter
  • Salt and pepper
  • 2 tb Cottage cheese ; optional
  • -(2 to 3)
  • --or farmer cheese
  • Drawn butter and Parmesan
  • -or bread crumbs
  • For topping
  • --Cabbage:
  • 2 Small head cabbage; or 1
  • -large
  • 2 tb Dried mushrooms; cooked
  • Salt and pepper
  • Topping of drawn butter
  • -with bread crumbs
  • Or fried minced onion
  • --Fruit:
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Cherries


Dough: Mix flour, eggs and water and work dough until firm. Divide in 2
parts and roll each piece into a thin sheet on a floured board. Arrange
suffing by the spoonful along one edge of a piece of dough, 2 to 3 inches
from edge. Fold over and cut out in shape of semi-circles with a pastry
cutter or a glass. Press edges of dough together. Repeat until all the
dough and filling have been used up. If necessary, reroll leftover dough
and repeat. This is a fast way of making the pockets. Cook in boiling water
like noodles, covered, so that they will steam. In a few minutes, when
pockets rise to the top, they are done. Serve with drawn butter.


Cheese: Cream egg yolks and butter. Combine with cheese, season and mix
thoroughly. For a sweet filling, and sugar and raisins. Fill pockets as
directed above.

Potato: Cook, mash and season potatoes. Fry onion to a light, golden brown
in butter. Combine with mashed potato and season to taste; add cheese if
desired. Mix thoroughly and proceed to fill and cook pockets.

Cabbage: Prepare cabbage as directed for Sweet Cabbage: Cut cabbage into
small sections, core and parboil in salted water for 10 minutes. Drain. Add
1 tbsp butter, onion, and continue cooking until onion is lightly brown.
Add cabbage 3 tbs bouillon and salt and pepper. Simmer, tightly covered,
stirring occasionally, until soft - about 1 hour. Dust with 2 tsp flour
and add 1/2 tsp Maggi extract or Kitchen Bouquet, stir and let simmer
another 5 minutes.

Combine with cabbage, season and use to fill pockets. Cook as directed and
serve drawn butter and bread crumbs or onions.

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