• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 1 Servings


  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Appetizers, Greek

 Ingredients List

  • ---------------------------------THE CRUST---------------------------------
  • 1/3 c Milk
  • 3 pk Granular yeast
  • 4 c Flour
  • 1/3 c Vegetable oil
  • 4 Egg yolks
  • 1 ts Salt
  • Oil for frying


1 lb Chopped meat
2 tb Butter
1 sm Onion, chopped
1/2 c Tomato sauce
4 tb Parmesan cheese, grated
1 Egg white, beaten with a>>>d
Few drops of water.
Parsley, chopped

Heat milk to lukewarm, pour into a bowl; add yeast. Mix with you
fingers. Add a cup of the flour, and mix to form a ball. Cover the bowl,
and set in a warm place. Let the sponge rise until double in bulk. Punch
down. Add vegetable oil, egg yolks, salt and remaining flour, mix well,
then knead to make a stiff dough. (Add more water or flour, if necessary.)
Cover and let rise again.

Meantime, brown the meat in butter. Add onion, and cook until light
brown. Mix in tomato sauce and parsley, and cook abt. 15 to 20 min. Stir
in grated cheese.

Lightly flour a bread board and turn dough out onto it; knead until
elastic. Divide into small pcs. Flatten these with your hands, or roll
into thick round shapes. In the center of each, place a tbs. of the meat
mixture. Fold over dough to form a half-moon shape. Brush edges with a
little egg white, and pinch to seal. Flatten the piroski slightly and place
on a buttered baking sheed. Set aside in warm place to rise again, but for
less time. Deep-fat fry until a deep golden color. Remove with slotted
spoon, drain, and serve hot. Makes about 15 to 18 piroski.

NOTE 1: These can be baked instead of fried. To bake follow the
directions above to the final rising, then brush tops with egg white, and
bake in preheated 350 F. oven until golden brown.

NOTE 2: The filling can be of chicken, ham, fish, or hard-cooked eggs.
For any of these, chop the filling and mix with Bechamel sauce, or mashed

NOTE 3: You can also make sweet piroski by adding 3 tbs. sugar when you
add the salt. Fill dough with marmalade and chopped glazed fruit. Bake as
in Note 1 above, and top with confectioner's sugar.

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