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  • Serves: 1 Servings

Pork Scallopine in Lime Sauce

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Category: Meat

 Ingredients List

  • 2 tb Butter
  • 4 Pork loin cutlets
  • Pounded to 1/4" thickness
  • Salt & pepper
  • 2 tb White wine
  • 2 tb Fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 c Chicken broth
  • 1/2 c Skimmed evaporated milk
  • Lime zest, from one lime


Heat butter in large heavy skillet over med high heat. Season pork
with salt & pepper & saute quickly, about 2-3 minutes per side.
Remove pork from pan & keep warm. Add wine & lime juice to pan;
deglaze pan. Bring to a boil; add chicken broth & milk, lower heat &
cook over med heat, stirring constantly, about 2 minutes. When sauce
has reduced & thickened, season to taste with salt & pepper. Spoon
some sauce over each chop & sprinkle with lime zest to serve.

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