• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 2 servings

Quinoa Salad with Poblano-Pesto Dressing

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Category: Nuts, Salads

 Ingredients List

  • -----------------------------------QUINOA-----------------------------------
  • 1/2 c Quinoa; soaked in water
  • 1 c Cold water
  • Salt


1/2 lg Bottle fat-free Italian
2 tb Poblano-pesto sauce
1 ts Honey or sugar
2 Chile de arbol - dried;
-toasted & crumbled

2 Mushrooms; sliced
1 Scallion; chopped

To cook quinoa: In a small nonstick saucepan, put quinoa, water and salt.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook 15-20 minutes. Set aside.

To make dressing: In blender, put all dressing ingredients and blend on
HIGH until smooth.

To assemble: In a medium bowl, combine cooked quinoa, mushrooms and
scallions. Sprinkle crumbled chile de arbol over ingredients. Pour 2 tbsp
dressing over. Refrigerate until slightly cool. Serve on bed of mixed
lettuces (mesclun mix) and some iced tea.

Risa's notes: You must soak quinoa for a few moments in cool water before
cooking to get rid of an enzyme that is in quinoa. After that, drain well
and then cook.

Add a different chile if you wish, or some chile powder (one specific chile
is better than a supermarket blend).

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