• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 6 Servings

Sauerkraut Cake

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Cakes

 Ingredients List

  • 2/3 c Butter
  • 1 1/2 c Sugar
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 ts Vanilla
  • 2 1/4 c Flour
  • 1/2 c Cocoa
  • 1 ts Baking powder
  • 1 ts Baking soda
  • 1/4 ts Salt
  • 1 c Water
  • 2/3 c Sauerkraut, drained


From the Cotton Country Collection

Sauerkraut Cake

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease and flour two 8" or one 9 x
13" pan.

Cream sugar and butter; beat eggs and vanilla together and add to creamed
mixture. sift dry ingredients together and add alternately with water to
creamed mixture. rinse sauerkraut, drain and chop. Stir into batter. Pour
into pan(s) and bake 30-40 minutes.

Ice with desired icing and fill with Mocha whipped cream.

Now, where's the Mocha Whipped Cream? Checking the index. Whoops, sorry,
they didn't put that one in!

I'll bet a little powdered instant coffee, cocoa and sugar beaten into some
whipped cream would do the trick.

I'm looking forward to those recipes you get from your mom! Sure hope
you're planning on sharing them here. <grin> The typing practice will do
you good. Help you when you're ready to type up those term papers. @:-)

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