• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 4 Servings

Scallops with Cress and Tomatoes

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Seafood

 Ingredients List

  • 1 lb Red-ripe tomatoes -or-
  • 2 cn (1-lb) tomatoes
  • 2 tb Olive oil
  • Salt and freshly ground
  • -pepper
  • 1 Bunch watercress
  • 1/2 c Whipping cream
  • 1/2 c Milk
  • 16 Scallops
  • 2 oz Unsalted butter


If using fresh tomatoes, peel, core, halve and seed them, then cut into
small cubes. Soften in hot olive oil, stirring for 4 minutes. Drain in
colander to remove excess moisture. Season with salt and pepper. If using
canned tomatoes, drain well and prepare as for fresh tomatoes.

Wash cress leaves. Pat dry on paper towels.

Combine cream and milk and stir into tomatoes.

Tear off 4 pieces of foil 16x12-inches each. On half of each sheet, place
a few cress leaves. Spoon on about 2 tablespoons of the tomato mixture and
top with 4 scallops. Cover with 2 more tablespoons tomatoes and a few more
cress leaves. Dot each mound with butter. Bring empty half of each foil
sheet over twice to make a securely closed packet with room left for steam

Bake on a cookie sheet in preheated 500-degree oven about 5 minutes or
until package puffs up. To serve, place on plate and let each diner cut a
hole in top and then open packet.

NOTE: Packeds can be prepared in advance and refrigerated, but allow them
to return to room temperature before baking.


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