• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 4 Servings

Smoked Chicken Tortilla with Tomato Salsa and Avocado Relish

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Salads, Poultry

 Ingredients List

  • 8 Chicken thighs; smoked,
  • -sliced
  • 8 Flour tortillas; grilled
  • 1 c Tomato Salsa
  • 1 c Avocado Relish


Prepare a charcoal or wood fire in a domed grill and let it burn down to
embers. Lay chips of soaked aromatic wood over the ashes-you just want to
get the smoke going, not a very hot fire. (Food won't be cooked, but it
will be infused with a smoky flavor.) Arrange the thighs on the grill rack.
Open the top vent slightly and cover the grill so that the smoke stays

Place thighs on the grill and cook for 3 minutes per side Slice and serve
on individual plate or bowls with grilled tortillas, tomato salsa and
avocado relish.

Yield: 4 servings

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