Side Pannel
Strawberry Beer
Ingredients List
- 3 1/3 lb M&F amber hopped syrup
- 3 1/2 lb Dry light malt
- 1 lb Crushed crystal malt
- 1 oz Northern Brewer leaf hops,
- (alpha=8 0%) 1
- 8 pt Fresh strawberries, washed,
- Stemmed, puree
- 4 tb Pectin enzyme
- Ale yeast starter
Make a yeast starter by boiling 1 cup dry malt extract in a quart of
water and cool to below 90 degrees F. Add four of Red Star Ale yeast
and agitate. Let set for two hours. Steep crystal malt in 1 gallon of water
for a while, then "rinse" in another 11/2 gallons. (I preboil.) Add
malt and boiling hops and boil liquid for 1 hour. Turn down heat to very
low flame and add pureed strawberries, heat for 15-20 minutes. Remove
hops then cool wort. Dump in primary fermenter and add cold bottled water.
The temp should be around 65-70. Dump in the yeast starter. The next day
or sooner, add about 4 tablespoons of pectic enzyme, right into the beer.
Rack after 3- 4 days. Bottle with 3/4 cup corn sugar. Crystal malt adds
sweetness, and helps to bring out the essence of the fruit. One other
important ingredient was pectic enzyme, as the pasteur- ization sets the
pectin very well. This results in a very nice looking crystal clear beer
with a pink-amber hue. Final Gravity: 1.008
water and cool to below 90 degrees F. Add four of Red Star Ale yeast
and agitate. Let set for two hours. Steep crystal malt in 1 gallon of water
for a while, then "rinse" in another 11/2 gallons. (I preboil.) Add
malt and boiling hops and boil liquid for 1 hour. Turn down heat to very
low flame and add pureed strawberries, heat for 15-20 minutes. Remove
hops then cool wort. Dump in primary fermenter and add cold bottled water.
The temp should be around 65-70. Dump in the yeast starter. The next day
or sooner, add about 4 tablespoons of pectic enzyme, right into the beer.
Rack after 3- 4 days. Bottle with 3/4 cup corn sugar. Crystal malt adds
sweetness, and helps to bring out the essence of the fruit. One other
important ingredient was pectic enzyme, as the pasteur- ization sets the
pectin very well. This results in a very nice looking crystal clear beer
with a pink-amber hue. Final Gravity: 1.008