• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 4 Servings

Sweet and Sour Pork Sirloins

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Category: Meat

 Ingredients List

  • ----------------------------FROM GEORGE FASSETT----------------------------


CYBEREALM BBS 313-786-1120
- - - - - MEAT - - - - - -
6 Pieces Boneless Pork-
Sirloins (approx. 1 1/2 lb.)
- - - - - BREADING - - - - -
1 c Bisquick
1 ts Salt
1/4 ts Pepper
1/4 ts Garlic Powder
Celery Salt (a few shakes)
1/2 c Oil
1 tb Oil
1 c Pineapple Juice*
3 tb Corn Starch
1/2 c Sugar
1 tb Soy Sauce
3 tb White Vinegar
1/2 Green Pepper
1 Can thin sliced Pineapple

* 20 0z. can of pineapple slices, drain off juice, approx. 1 cup, and cut
into chunks. PREPARATION: Preheat oven at 350ø Meat: Shake breading
ingredients together in plastic bag, add meat and shake until coated. Heat
1/2 cup oil in large frying pan to hot and brown meat to golden brown
color, approx. 5-6 minutes, turning occasionally. Arrange in large baking

Sweet and Sour sauce: Heat 1 tbsp. oil and 1 cup pineapple juice on low in
saucepan. Whisk together cornstarch, sugar, soy sauce and vinegar until
smooth. Add to oil/juice slowly, stirring in well with spoon. Stir until
thickened and smooth. Add pepper strips and pineapple chunks. Pour over
meat in baking dish.

Bake at 350ø for 1 hour.

SERVING: Remove pork sirloins, arrange on platter. Put sweet/sour sauce in
dish to pass. Serve over rice or noodles, or just to top meat with. (Bake
potatoes or yams with it, if you prefer.) Typed for you by Lois Flack,

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