• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 4 Servings

Thai Beef Salad

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Salads, Thai, Beef

 Ingredients List

  • 4 120 g slices beef fillet


100 ml White vinegar
45 g Sugar
2 Cloves garlic, chopped
3 ts Nam Pla (Thai fish sauce)
120 g Chinese cillie paste (Tau

1 c Fresh lime juice
1/2 c Nam Pla
2 ts Light soy sauce
60 g Fresh coriander, chopped
60 g Shallots, chopped finely
1 Clove garlic, chopped
1 Green chilli, deseeded and
-chopped fine

2 sm Heads cos lettuce
1 lg Cucumber
250 g White cabbage, shredded
1 sm Ripe pawpaw, peeled & sliced
-into 5 cm long sticks
Fresh coriander leaves

To cook the beef: grill the beef until med rare and
set aside.

To make the marinade and marinate the cooked beef: mix
the vinegar, sugar, galic, Nam Pla, and chillie paste
together. Slice the meat thinly pour over the marinade
and marinate for 15 mins.

To make the dressing: combine all the dressing
ingredients and set aside.

To serve: arrange the lettuce leaves on each plate.
Trim the ends from the cucumber and cut in half
crosswise. Slice lengwise into thin strips. Place a
small amount of cabbage on the cucumber strips, and
roll up. Repeat with the pawpaw, rolling the pawpaw
sticks in cucumber strips. Place the clicd marinated
beef on top of the lettuce. Surround each serve with 3
cabbage and pawpaw rolls. Spoon the dressing over the
beef, lettuce and the rolls. Top the beef with a
generous serving of the coridander leaves. By Grand
Hyatt Erawan Bankok

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