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  • Serves: 6 Servings

Two-Tone Slaw in a Cabbage Bowl

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Category: Salads

 Ingredients List

  • 1 Savoy cabbage,large head*
  • 6 Red savoy kale (opt)**
  • 2 c Red cabbage,finely shredded
  • 3 Bacon slices
  • 1/3 c Seasoned rice vinegar***
  • 1/2 ts Pepper


* - or green cabbage, with outer leaves attached (if available)
** - or red cabbage leaves
*** - rice vinegar and 1 tablespoon sugar may be substituted

1. Carefully remove 4-6 outer leaves from head cabbage. Rinse these and red
savoy kale leaves; drain, wrap in towels, and enclose in a plastic bag. To
crisp, chill at least 30 minutes or up until next day.
2. Rinse and drain head cabbage. Trim a thin slice from stem end so cabbage
sits steadily upright. Slice 1/2" horizontally from cabbage top. Using a
grapefruit knife, cut out center of cabbage, leaving a wall about 1/2"
thick. Finely shred trimmed cabbage; discard core.
3. In a bowl, mix shredded savoy with red cabbage. If made ahead, wrap
cabbage shell and shredded cabbage airtight and chill up until next day.
4. Cook bacon in an 8-10" frying pan over medium-high heat until brown and
crisp, about 3 minutes. Crumble and drain on towels. Add vinegar and pepper
to warm drippings in pan.
5. Mix bacon and warm dressing with shredded cabbage. Gently pull cabbage
shell to open bowl slightly; set on a platter and surround with reserved
green and red cabbage leaves. Mound salad into cabbage bowl.

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