• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 8 servings

Warm Cabbage, Onion And Apple Slaw

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Vegetables, Salads

 Ingredients List

  • 1 md Onion
  • 1 md Cabbage
  • 2 lg Apples
  • Oil
  • Salt And Pepper
  • Vinegar


Peel and slice the onion very thin. Trim the cabbage, core it, cut in half
and slice into fine chiffonade, as for coleslaw. Peel, core and slice the
apples very thin. In a large saute pan, heat a little oil and begin to
saute the onions. When they are translucent and just beginning to brown,
add the apples. Saute about 1 minute so everything is sizzling, and add the
cabbage, the seasoning, a dash or vinegar and a little water. Stir on a hot
flame just long enough to barely cook the cabbage. It should retain a
little crunch and the sweetness of fresh cabbage. Can also be served cold.

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