• Prep Time:
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  • Serves: 8 Servings

White Turnip Soup with Shaved Black Truffles

  • Recipe Submitted by on

Category: Vegetables, Soups

 Ingredients List

  • 6 tb Unsalted butter
  • 2 Leeks; white part only,
  • -Chopped
  • 1 lb Idaho potatoes; peeled and
  • -diced
  • 1 1/2 lb White turnips; peeled and
  • -diced
  • 2 tb All-purpose flour
  • 3 qt Homemade or low-sodium
  • -canned chicken stock
  • Coarse salt and freshly
  • -ground pepper
  • 1/2 c Heavy cream
  • 4 lg Egg yolks
  • Star-shaped croutons; For
  • -Garnish
  • 1 Black Truffle; Shaved, for
  • -garnish


1. Melt 4 tablespoons butter in a large pot over medium heat. Add leeks and
cook until soft, about 5 minutes. Add potatoes and turnips, stirring to
combine. Cover and cook for about 10 minutes. Sprinkle flour over
vegetables, stir to cover evenly, and cook for 1 minute, Add stock, season
with salt and pepper to taste, and simmer until tender, about 20 to 30
minutes. 2. Using a food mill, pur”še vegetables and return to pot. In a
small mixing bowl, whisk together heavy cream and yolks. Temper the egg
mixture by adding 2 cups of soup to the bowl, stir to combine. Add egg-soup
mixture to soup pot, and stir to combine. Bring to a simmer and serve
garnished with croutons and a truffle shavings. Serves 8

Scanned and formatted by Carole Walberg from Martha Stewart's Home Page

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